Workflows Vs Lifecycle | Definition, Advantages, Differences - Yoroflow

What is a Workflow?

Workflow is the definition, implementation, and automation business process where documents and data are passed from one person to another for a task as per a set of procedural rules. It transforms materials, data, or services, and it involves work by many people. A workflow consists of a repeatable and orchestrated pattern of business processes enabled by the systematic enterprise of resources into activities.

Every workflow component has three parameters:

What is a Workflow?

What is the Life cycle?

A life cycle brings a new application or product into existence and follows its development into a mature product/service and eventual decline. A life cycle for a system consists of a set of phases regulated by a group of management decisions that confirm that the framework is fair enough to leave one step and enter another.

Every life cycle component has four parameters:

What is a Lifecycle?

Key Difference Between Workflow and Life cycle


Life cycle

Workflow is what people do to a task. The life cycle is what occurs to a task.
Workflow is a network of multiple activities. The life cycle is a set of connected phases in a linear way.
Workflow doesn't execute as a project. A set of processes through which work passes from beginning to end. An object is created by a person in a document to be installed or uninstalled.
Process builder and workflow manager, but not in document creator. Only document creator.
When a user starts a workflow, the server utilizes the process to create a workflow runtime instance. Create without runtime instance.
Workflow states:
  • Draft
  • Review
  • Edit
  • Complete
  • Approved
Workflow states:
  • Draft
  • Validated
  • Installed
For example: dm_process For example: dm_polic

Advantages of Workflow

Upgraded Accessibility

Significantly improve accessibility with cloud-based workflow automation system, which provides reliable functionality and access over devices including PC, laptop, mobile, and more.

Upgraded Accessibility
Increased Synchronization

Increased Synchronization

Avoid task redundancy on inter-team business processes. The workflow automation system allows for the business automation of functions across teams and existing disparate frameworks.

Enhanced Efficiency

Streamline processes with automated, customizable workflows. Clients can save time and cost using automated business workflows. The result is smoother, faster processes that enhance overall business productivity while cutting human involvements.

Enhanced Efficiency
Advanced Compliance

Advanced Compliance

Data encryption to improve security at all levels. Protect your organization from non-compliance by making transparency, the possibility to view when documents have been used, audited, and approved, by whom

Reinforced Collaboration

Streamline processes with automated, customizable workflows. Clients can save time and cost using automated business workflows. The result is smoother, faster processes that enhance overall business productivity while cutting human involvements.

Reinforced Collaboration

Advantages of Life cycle

Proper Direction

Proper Direction

Developing a project from scratch without a proper plan from any life cycle often results in systems that go over cost and are deadline issues. The life cycle starts by executing the right direction that often yields better outcomes.

Scope Management

Developers have the guidance they can refer to, so the scope management is improved and development issues reduce. Adhering to a perfect life cycle will minimize these occurrences when there are unexpected problems.

Scope Management
Eliminate Problems

Eliminate Problems

Lack of communication between customers and the development team can deliver systems that do not meet the requirements of the end-users. The absence of a life cycle leads to many issues that will become prevalent as the development moves on.

Smooth-out Process

Starting a life cycle process with a simple discussion of the shortcomings of a project can do great wonders for further projects. It has the same scope. Eliminating unwanted steps provides multiple advantages, like flexibility and system deployment.

Smooth-out Process
Identified Issues

Identified Issues

Life cycle systems will turn more effective at identifying problems that can happen. It will assist them not only reduce issues thoroughly but also make better workarounds if they occur.

1.Project Management Workflow

Life cycle

The PM life cycle is just a high-sounding way of representing the life of a project. It's how projects occur; and how the phases of a project direct a team from brief through delivery. Each project has a beginning to end; it's conceived, developed, and afterward “passes on” when the project life cycle gets completed.

Five phases come together to frame the PM life cycle like initiate, plan, implement, monitor, and complete. Below are seven popular models of the project management life cycle.

Life cycle
Life cycle


Within the system of your plan of project management, workflow alludes to the series of phases that should finish tasks and how you go between them. A project is generally a time-bound, one-off venture that fills a specific purpose and outcomes in a very particular result.

Yoroflow project management workflow is ready for requesting tasks and activities between key achievements into a productive and significant sequence. In short, Yoroflow's workflow management system helps you complete the projects because it offers you a set of activities mention below:

2.Sales & Marketing

Life cycle

Sales and marketing life cycle is the way of offering your target audience the types of experiences and communications they require, like, or want as they go from prospects to users, ideally, to advocates.

Create a contact strategy to integrate and prioritize the complete sales and marketing communications channels using re-targeting and persuasive personalized messaging techniques. The sales and marketing life cycle has a three-phase framework.

The sales and marketing life cycle has a three-phase framework:
sales and marketing life cycle


Sales and marketing workflow is the step with your sales and marketing experts to transform possibilities into clients. It helps your team increase conversions. An efficient sales and marketing process works to interest, inform, promote, and sell your products/services to your audience.

Yoroflow's sales and marketing workflow automation pave the way for your teams to obtain prospects, sustain them, and transform them into clients.

It makes your experts more effective and efficient at driving conversions.

A good sales and marketing workflow will compliment all your business aspects, including your:

3.Human Resource

Life cycle

The human resource life cycle refers to the phases of employees' time in a specific enterprise and the shifting roles the HR function plays in all those phases. In effect, the Human Resource is just attaching the role of HR to all the stages.

Some models of the Human Resource life cycle have five stages.
Human Resources


The Human Resource team owns business processes such as recruiting, onboarding, performance reviews, internal request, internal request management, and offboarding. Relying on traditional ways leads to a slower life cycle span, manual mistakes, and sub-optimal operations.

Execute HR workflow automation across the life cycle of an employee. From recruiting to offboarding, Yoroflow helps you reduce manual errors at each stage and enhance employee engagement and process standardization. Yoroflow's HR workflow automation helps,

HR workflow automation

Is Workflow Better Than Life cycle?

Life cycle and workflow works independently of each other, but they are good when used together. The life cycle does not replace the workflow. Both have their own value in project management.

The main difference is that the life cycle shows what has occurred already whereas workflow acts as an automated checklist, the ability to send emails, documents, or reminding you to do so.

The next difference between the two is that you can have multiple workflows per project, but you can only have one life cycle.

Life cycle works as a visual aid and displays the high-level steps a customer would go through, whereas workflow is a detailed step-by-step list of tasks. That's why workflow is always better than the life cycle.